Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Art in Motion

Howdy Friends!

I'm really excited to be kickin' off my new website and blog! Jumping more into my art is always exciting for me and it will be fun to see where this road leads! So far, it's basically my digital art gallery--I'm hoping to jump into greeting cards, commissions, party decorating, and art exhibits--to name a few! Think of Robin Oas Designs as an artist for hire! 

I just have to thank some awesome friends: The talented Sean Naus of Movement Designs (http://movementdesigns.com) is the brains behind the fabulous site and without his eye and skill this would never have happened! Chantz Hough of Phose Photography (www.phosestudios.com) is the amazing photographer who took the photograph for the "About Me" section.  And graphic designer Chuck Pope took my logo from paper, made it digital and refined it to perfection. All three are amazing professionals and a lot of fun as well! Thanks Guys!

It's been a week full of art! I love it! We had a Resurrection themed art show at the First Baptist Church in Irving and it was a delight to see everyone's creations. I loved getting to create a few new works to add to the mix. I also had the chance to paint the Crucifixion during First Baptist Irving's Good Friday Service and it was such an amazing time of focusing on the Lord and worshipping. I always hope it ministers to other people as much as it ministers to my own heart. I've painted during the sermon a couple of times over the last few years at the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley (as you can see in the photograph!) but in many ways this was completely different. In the past it's been focused on psalms of praise or Pentecost and this time it focused on the Crucifixion. That definitely  changed the feel of the sanctuary. Instead of being light, airy, and joyful, it was dark, candle lit, and contemplative. You see your paints a lot differently in the dark! I had an adventure dealing with my easel as well. It decided it didn't want to hold the painting any longer and dropped it. I'm thankful my dad and I played a lot of ball games in the backyard over the years because it helped me be quick to catch a painting! I snatched it up, set it back on the easel and kept going. What else are you going to do?! :)

Thanks for dropping by!
I'm excited to have you on this art adventure with me!